Drumchapel Family Learning Centre

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Advice on Clothing

Play clothes, not best clothes! Play and learning at nursery can be a very messy business so please dress your child in play clothes and not their best outfits.  We do have protective aprons and we do try to make sure that children put these on before joining messy play activities but accidents happen!   Wellies & Waterproofs for winter months please as we are outdoors most days and there are lots of muddy puddles to explore!

The following forms of dress are not permitted in Glasgow City Council educational establishments:

  • clothing that could potentially encourage factions (such as football colours)
  • clothing that could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans);
  • clothing which carries advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco
  • items that may cause health and safety difficulties, such as loose fitting clothing, hooped earrings

Glasgow City Council is concerned at the level of claims being received regarding loss of children’s and young peoples’ clothing and/or personal belongings. Parents/ Carers are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing are not brought to the nursery. Parents/carers should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items and any claims submitted are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent. Please remember to mark your child’s name on all clothing and footwear to prevent confusion as many children wear the same or similar items.